What was shared and learnt at the Second International Conference on Witchcraft and Human Rights?
Observations by The Working Committee of the International Network Against Witch-Hunts
Peter & Grace Make A Difference
Anton Lutz
It began with a single conversation. I was at the police station, arguing with one officer after another about why they should go try to intervene and rescue a citizen of Papua New Guinea who was being tortured.
Introduction To Sorcery Accusation-Related Violence
Anton Lutz
This is the first blog in a series where our guest blogger for the coming weeks, Anton Lutz, will discuss with you his thoughts about the problem of Sorcery Accusation Related Violence (SARV) in PNG and what can be done to overcome it.
Sub-Saharan Witchcraft Accusations
Annie O’Connell
The sub-Saharan region in Africa includes 46 of the 54 countries that make up the continent. While numerous cultural and political differences show variance between the sub-Saharan nations, many of them share a paranoid commonality: children are often accused of witchcraft.
Escaping sorcery accusations
Miranda Forsyth
“Many people kill women with this word” stated a survivor of a sorcery accusation. Hers was just one of many reports we have collected showing how accusations of sorcery make the lives of those accused and their families highly precarious.